I would like to start things off by saying these are my favorite films of 2015. These are not necessarily the movies I thought were the best of the year; however, they are the handful I could not head into 2016 without or else I'd feel naked.
I'd also like to say that this list is subject to change a little bit, seeing is how I have not seen every single movie of 2015. I have, however, seen a lot so without further ado, let's begin!
15.) Creed

duo (Director Ryan Coogler and star Michael B. Jordan) pack another punch with the latest of the 'Rocky' installments, which serves both as a meaningful extension to the saga as well as a tender, standalone story. Sylvester Stallone gives another endearing performance as the Italian Stallion and deservedly could see some Oscar love.
14.) Inside Out
Pixar's Inside Out reminds of us of why we all fell in love with the animation studio two decades ago. We begin with an imaginative tale brimming with quirky characters, throw in some vibrant animation as well as a charming sense of humor, and finish with a strong tug on the heartstrings. If you don't cry during this movie then you have no soul and I never care to meet you.
13.) Avengers: Age of Ultron
Age of Ultron is a good comic book movie and a solid sequel. It takes everything we loved about the original and makes it even bigger, introducing new characters and adding to the already rich mythology of the MCU (that's the Marvel Cinematic Universe for all you casual fans). Unlike previous Marvel movies, the highlight here is the titular villain. Ultron truly is a character and James Spader's performance is deliciously degenerate. Yes this sequel is crowded and there iss a lot going on, but isn't that in the spirit of the comic books?
12.) Jurassic World
I love giant monster movies. Moreover, I love watching giant monsters fight! I mean come on, that's what movies do best! And the last fifteen minutes of Jurassic World gave me goosebumps! Oh, and the rest of the movie is fun as well. If you're looking for some thrilling high-concept cinema, then feel free to dig into some popcorn as dinosaurs dig into ignorant tourists.
11.) Grandma
Don't let the title fool you, this film has an edgy sense of humor and tells a progressive story about a teenage girl who asks her grandma to help her raise money for an abortion. A slew of talented actors breath life into this quirky, yet heartwarming dramedy about the strained relationships. It's consistently insightful and funny. Lily Tomlin as the titular grandmother simply hits it out of the park. If she does not see any love come Oscar season, it would be a big disappointment.
10.) Bridge of Spies
Nobody does historical war movies like Steven Speilberg. The man is simply a master and this time he has his most dangerous weapon lock and loaded: Tom Hanks. Hanks delivers one of his best performances here and that's truly a feat. He plays an insurance lawyer hired to negotiate the exchange of American and Russian POW's. Mark Rylance is a revelation as the Russian POW and definitely deserves Supporting love come February.
9.) Steve Jobs
Not a lot happens in Steve Jobs, which may sound surprising after all its critical acclaim. We follow Michael Fassbender as the titular character while he wanders around backstage at the three most vital product launches of his storied career. Not exactly The Avengers I know, but the combination of the tremendous performances and smart writing make for gripping drama that explores the intimate nuances of one of the most complex and controversial business heads of the past few decades.
8.) Spotlight

story of the Boston Globe's investigation into the systemic child molestation cover-up within the Catholic Church. A hot topic for sure, but it's a fascinating story and despite the lengthy digging by these journalists, it's easy to follow, which makes the performances all the more absorbing. If you're not already invested in this story, you will be after seeing this.
7.) Straight Outta Compton
One of the great things I love about a great film is that it has the potential transcend barriers like musical preference to deliver a hard-hitting human story that we all can relate to in one way or another. Straight Outta Compton does just this when recollecting the rise and fall of one of hip-hop's most important groups, N.W.A. The melodrama both within and outside the group is enthralling and the performances are nothing short of moving. Definitely keep an eye out for this one in the Academy's Best Picture category, at the very least.
6.) It Follows

'Kingsman' is an action-packed homage to the Bond films of old. It's loaded with well-choreographed
stunts and witty, often uproarious dialogue delivered perfectly by its mostly British star-studded cast. The wildly unknown Welsh actor Taaron Egerton proves he has what it takes to carry this franchis forward. However, it is the charismatic Samuel L. Jackson who steals the shows as a loony wrongdoer with a speech impediment. If a film is only as good as its villain, then 'Kingsman' is a hoot... And it is.
4.) Mad Max: Fury Road
We are in the age of the cash grab sequel (and prequel and reboot). So it's a bit of an event when a good one comes around. But 'Fury Road' is better than "good." It's a great sequel and one of the best films of the year. Tom Hardy is one of the best actors around and he is the perfect choice to take the reigns from Mel Gibson. And as good as Hardy is here, it's an even more impressive run for Charlize Theron. I know she has an Oscar already, but she is the emotional weight that anchors the aforementioned madness. Other pluses include balls-to-the-wall stunt work and an enhancement of the already rich mythos of Mad Max.
3.) Sicario

2.) Room
In addition to being my second-favorite movie of the year, Room is also one of the most depressing movies of the year. I say this as a caution and not as a detractive statement. It's a phenomenal film about being held captive for nearly a decade through the experience of a five year-old boy who has only known one space his entire life. As the story progresses, we witness the physiological collapse of his traumatized young mother against the childlike wonderment of this boy's new discoveries. At tits core though, it's the complicated, loving mother-son bond that will endear you to the end.
1.) Ex Machina
After last year's Under the Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson, the science fiction genre spoils us again with a remarkable film by first time Director, long time Writer, Alex Garland. Here, a computer geek is chosen to assess the human-like characteristics of an artificial intelligence named Ava. It's a small scale effort brimming with large ideas and outstanding performances; in particular, one Oscar Isaac. This film will captivate you. It will challenge you. It will, at times, break your humanoid heart. For these reasons, Ex Machina is my favorite movie of 2015.
Honorable mentions:
*The Revenant
*99 Homes
*Furious 7
Well there you have it. I'm glad we were given these movies. All of them will definitely find their way into my collection and I am happy to have them moving forward. And if you took the time to read this, I thank you and would like to hear your picks for your favorite movies of 2015. Leave me a comment below and let me know!
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