If given the opportunity right now to make a Batman movie, this would be my ideal cast:
Jon Hamm as Bruce Wayne aka: Batman
There's already an aura of success surrounding Hamm as a shrewd businessman harboring a dark secret. Sure, he'd be more of a Dark Knight Returns Batman at his age, but what's wrong with that? Besides, he's got a more gnarled, Frank Miller-esque look to him than Batfleck.
Miles Teller as Dick Grayson aka: Nightwing
Teller has proven he's got some edge and that's exactly what it takes to put up with Batman.
Ansel Elgort as Jason Todd aka: Red Hood
Somebody a little younger than Nightwing but more radical who's willing to take lives and cry. Ansel is talented enough to play such a traumatized young psycho.
Levi Miller as Damien Wayne aka: Robin
The son of Bruce Wayne and the youngest of the Robins. Miller can pull off the disobedient but loving spawn of Batman.
Christopher Plummer as Alfred Pennyworth
Plummer is a vet. He can be funny and serious and you'd believe him if Alfred had to bust out those old British Intelligence combat moves to protect his family.
Bryan Cranston as Commissioner James Gordon
Yeah, yeah, Cranston's been there and done that, but that's what makes him perfect for the role. He's experienced and would adapt effortlessly to live-action with his world-weary face.
Val Kilmer as Harvey Bullock
Just put a fedora on his head and a cigar in his mouth.
Emma Stone as Barbara Gordon aka: Batgirl/ Oracle
In a suit or behind a computer screen, Stone has the chops to pull off badass crime-fighter and tragic genius, the voice inside Batman's head.
Jake Gyllenhaal as The Joker
How many lunatics must Jake play before the world's convinced he's ready for this role?
Anne Hathaway as Harley Quinn
The ditzyness of 13 Going on 30 meets the edginess of Catwoman combined with the heartbreak of Les Miserables. Plus she's only two years younger than Jake.
Daniel Day Lewis as Ra's al Ghul
A theatrical actor for a theatrical villain. I know Lewis has his multiple Oscars, but this was the role he was born to play.
Penelope Cruz as Talia al Ghul
Seductive, deadly, and the ultimate daddy's girl. Penelope has proven that she's got what it takes to portray Batman's baby momma, both physically and emotionally.
Tom Hardy as Harvey Dent aka: Two-Face
It's easy trusting one of the most talented actors around with any role, but Tom Hardy has a resume of characters with split personalities ((see Legend (sort of) and The Drop)).
Eddie Redmayne as Edward Nygma aka: The Riddler
It isn't just the glasses, I swear. Already in his young career, Eddie has won an Oscar, which has to stand for something, right? Besides, he seems interested in pushing the limits of his talent and the methodical maniac in green would be a tremendous opportunity to do just that!
Vin Diesel as Victor Fries aka: Mr. Freeze
Beneath that macho exterior lies some real talent. If his time as Riddick has shown us anything, it's that Vin Diesel can be a true brute with a tender heart and underneath all that cold machinery lies a man who simply longs to be with his wife once more. Pure poetry.
Nick Frost as Oswald Cobblepot aka: Penguin
If this picture doesn't sell you, I don't know what will.
Michael Fassbender as Dr. Jonathan Crane aka: Scarecrow
We know Michael cleans up nice and he'll need to in order to portray the more sane, professor in Dr. Crane; however, Fassbender is a born villain. Just look at that smile! Oh, and by the way, he's one of the most talented actors out there.
Javier Bardem as Bane
Okay, so Bane doesn't have a heritage traceable in the real world; however, going by his accent in Batman: The Animated Series, I'd feel safe casting a Spanish actor in his role; especially a Spanish actor who has had a successful run of movie villains and is of intimidating physical stature such as Javier.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Selina Kyle aka: Catwoman
I'm going to be honest, I gave myself a pat on the back for this one. Gugu has proved to be a fine actress and in Beyond the Lights, she slayed the role of a sexy, confident (if not till later) woman whose world was her oyster. After all is said and done, isn't that really what Selina Kyle embodies?
Emma Watson as Poison Ivy
Face it, you can't argue with this pick. Watson would absolutely nail it.
Jude Law as Lex Luthor
Suave, sophisticated, intelligent, balding, and completely full of himself. Wonder where we've seen that before?
Benicio del Toro as Slade Wilson aka: Deathstroke
Del Toro is a proven badass. Just give him an eye patch and a katana and he's ready to roll.
Simon Pegg as Jarvis Tetch aka: The Mad Hatter
British, wears glasses, and has a face you just want to punch! It also helps that Star Trek has already convinced us that he's a tech wizard. It's a perfect fit.
James Franco as Zsaz
Bald, has tattoos, and just as insane as anyone in the industry.
Tilda Swinton as Dr. Hugo Strange
Forgive the pun, but this might be my strangest pick. I know what you're thinking: "But Hugo Strange is a guy!" True, but Tilda has been one before too (on screen). Besides, there isn't any reason Strange couldn't be a woman, is there? Either way, Tilda is so talented, she's got it covered.
Danny Devito as Arnold Wesker aka: The Ventriloquist/ Scarface
Short? Check. Bald? Check. Wears glasses? Check. Is believable as a coward on screen? Check. Is believable as an intimidating authority figure on screen? Check. Besides, Danny's ventured into the world of Batman before. Give him a dummy already!
Casting Other DC characters:
Idris Elba as John Stewart aka: Green Lantern
Michael B. Jordan as Sinestro
Brad Pitt as Oliver Queen aka: Green Arrow
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Martian Manhunter
Anna Kendrick as Zatanna
Just thinking about these picks gives me shivers! Let me know your thoughts on this potential roster and let me know who you'd pick for your own Batman movie!